![]() ![]() CEF Relative Strength (RSf) Trends
The Relative Strength Factor (Rsf) can indicate how certain Closed End Funds
have fared over the past year relative to other funds. It's simple
0-100 ranking makes comparisons a snap. The table below, showing Rsf trends, can help
you visualize whether the funds you are interested in are improving vis-a-vis the other
funds, or deteriorating. You can place your cursor over the symbol to view the name, or
click the symbol to view a price chart. Relative Strength Factor(RSf) is a percentile ranking of the price performance relative to other secuities and relative to the broad U.S. market performance. The range is dictated by the actively traded ETFs due to their broad global market exposure, with other securities ranked relative to the ETFs. RSf is measured over 1 year and weighted to emphasize more recent performance. The values for RSf range from 0 to 100 with the better performing funds having higher values.
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