Access Restriction

This account is locked for n/a minutes, and possibly more if additional pages are requested.

To ensure the best performance possible to our supportive target audience of interested web users we are now restricting access in certain circumstances.

Blocking Ads?

If you have chosen not to view ads and are not logged in as a subscriber to our website we ask that you reconsider your position. Please understand that our data and servers cost money and we assume the content we produce has value. If you agree, please consider enabling ads on this site or subscribing to our Premium Access service. If not, our only fair option is to focus our limited resources on our supportive users.

You may continue browsing our site by first allowing ads and then clicking here.

If you prefer not to do this, please come back another time for additional pages.

  Waiting to confirm ad load

Running an automated "bot"?

If you are running an automated "bot" that is accessing our site then you need to consider your long term options:
  1. You can access a limited number of pages per day without subscription and without ads.
  2. By subscribing to our Premium Access service you can access additional pages, but we ask that you throttle your requests to 10 pages per minute and 250 pages per day, and utilize a token in the url to identify the user (please contact us for more on this).
  3. You can contact us about a higher volume usage level.
  4. You may also contact us if you run a commercial bot that you believe adds value to our site that we are not recognizing.

Commercial "bot"?

If you are running a commercial bot and have identified yourself as such in the User Agent string you may still land here if you exceed our stated Crawl-Delay.

To be considered as a "good" bot with no access restrictions you must, at a minimum, follow the standard methodology of verifying your identity. See: Google, Bing, Yandex

Please contact us at the link in the footer below if you feel you are receiving this page in error.