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This screen published as: Compostella_xviii_ENRICHED_1.0

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DEFINE _cri = ([apr-10]-0*[APR-5]-0*[apr-3])/[ATR-21]
DEFINE _critere5j = ([Rtn-4mo]- 2.10*[Rtn-1mo] -0.75*[Rtn-10d] - 0.5*[Rtn-5d])/[ATR-21]
SORT desc [RSf]/[APR-10]
MTR: VIXM : !([RSI-2]<22 and [MACD-osc]>0.014*[APR-3] and [ADX]<32 and [Rtn-1d]>-1.14*[APR-3]) and !([RSI-2]>97.6 and [RSI-14]>64 and [APR-1]/[APR-3] >1.26) AND [RSf]>1.195 and !([MACD]>0 AND [MACD]>[MACD-sig]+[APR-3]*0.1245 and [apr-10]/[APR-21]<1.43) and !([MACD]<0 AND [MACD]<[MACD-sig]-[APR-5]*0.1815 and [+DI]>15 ) and !( [ADX]<17.4 and [+DI]>[-DI] and [ATR-21]/[price] <.155 and [rsi-14]<56) and !([RSI-14]>72.125 and [ADX]>27.5 and [ATR-21]/[price] <.19 and [APR-5]/[APR-3]>0.771 and [ema-5]<1.15*[sma-10])

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Screen Name: Compostella_xviii_ENRICHED_1.0

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